Do Bulldogs Shed? Unleashing the Hairy Truth!

Bulldog being groomed

Bulldogs are known for those adorable wrinkled faces, the comical snorts, and the undeniable charm that melts hearts everywhere. But before you consider bringing a English Bulldog puppy into your home, one question that might pop up is, “Do bulldogs shed?” Perhaps you don’t like having dog hair on your furniture, or maybe you have pet allergies. So, this is actually a pretty important question.

The answer is yes, English bulldogs do shed, but the good news is that their shedding is quite manageable compared to other breeds. Bulldogs have short, fine hair that doesn’t usually make a huge mess around your house.

Nevertheless, shedding is a natural part of a bulldog’s life, and adequately caring for your dog’s coat and health is essential to minimize shedding. We went consulted Sue Dallas, one of the amazing authors of The Grooming Manual for the Dog and Cat, to really get into Bulldog shedding. We also looked at the latest research on skin problems in Bulldog breeds that can affect how much they shed.

So, Do English Bulldogs Shed?

English Bulldogs do shed, though not as heavily as some other breeds. Their short, smooth coats continuously shed, contributing a moderate amount of hair throughout the year. While shedding can’t be entirely eliminated, there are ways to manage it effectively.

You might have heard that bulldogs are moderate shedders. Well, it’s true!  Shedding, also known as molting when it’s seasonal, is a natural process where all animals, even birds, lose the old or damaged part and give space for the growth of the new hair. Check out this article if you want to know how long it takes for a Bulldog’s hair to grow.

The frequency and volume of molting vary widely among dog breeds: some breeds, like the Poodle, shed minimally throughout the year, while others experience more pronounced molting during seasonal changes, like Huskies that have a thick double coat. However, the Bulldog does not fall into either of these categories, so we will take a closer look at how their skin and coat works.

Remember, there’s no need to panic; with a good grooming routine, your bulldog’s hair loss can be easily managed. After all, a little hair never hurt anyone, right?

Bulldog Coat Characteristics

woman grooming a Bulldog on shiny stores with de shedding brush

Bulldogs have a distinctive coat that’s easy to recognize and care for. Here’s a breakdown of their coat characteristics:

1. Type of Coat

these dogs have a single coat. Unlike some other breeds, they don’t have a double coat (which usually consists of a soft undercoat and a tougher topcoat).

2. Texture

Their coat texture should be smooth, fine, and shiny. It’s soft to the touch, which makes them quite pleasant to pet. If the coat starts feeling rough to the touch, they may have an underlying health issue or allergy.

3. Length

Their fur is short. This shortness contributes to the overall smooth appearance and feel of their coat.

Increasingly, their are a few long-haired “fluffy” bulldogs around some types of bulldogs. These Bulldogs with a longer coat are extremely rare, and often very expensive, but they include the Fluffy Frenchie and the Mammoth Bulldog. But keep in mind, long hair is not part of the breed standard.

4. Growth and Shedding Cycle

 Being a short-haired breed, Bulldogs don’t take long to grow their fur to its full length. Puppies will have their adult coat texture and length by the time they reach adulthood, which is around 12 months old.

As moderate shedders, Bulldogs don’t shed as much as some breeds with longer or double coats, but they do shed throughout the year. Their shedding tends to be more noticeable during seasonal changes, especially in spring and fall. During these times, their body is adjusting to the changing temperatures, which can lead to an increase in shedding.

The shedding cycle of a French Bulldog is continuous, but it’s not usually overwhelming. Regular brushing (about once a week) can help manage the shedding by removing dead hair and distributing skin oils to keep their coat healthy and shiny.

5. PSA on Bulldogs Shedding And Coat Color

Here’s a warning for all my fellow bulldog fans who are not a fan of dog hair.  If you’re looking for a puppy, be aware that if you get a white or light-colored Bulldog, your furniture and clothes are going to be covered in tiny white hairs when they shed.

This means, if you have a fancy black or dark outfit for special occasions or even just for work, you need to be careful not to get those little hairs all over your clothes.

Likewise, if you have a dark-colored Bulldog, their dark hairs will show up more your white sofa or your white clothes. So just be alert and always have a lint roller on stand–by!  Yes, Bulldogs (whether it’s an English Bulldog or another type) do shed less than other dogs, but those tiny hairs can really get all over you and be impossible to miss on any fabric.

Shed Management and Home Care

Close up of dog owner using lint roller on Bulldog to manage shedding

If you are having trouble dealing with your Bulldog shedding, then also see this article on how to reduce dog shedding safely and naturally as we take a deep dive into deal with this problem.

Managing dog molting involves proper grooming, a balanced diet, and a healthy living environment. Here’s a guide to help manage fluffing at home:

  1. Supplements: Several supplements, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, can help manage loss of hair in dogs by supporting coat health and minimizing excessive shedding. However, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before adding any supplements to your dog’s diet to ensure they’re safe and appropriate for your pet’s specific needs. 
  2. Hydration: Hydration plays a crucial role in a dog’s overall health, including their skin and coat condition, which can indirectly affect shedding. Proper hydration supports healthy skin by maintaining its elasticity and moisture balance.
  3. Regular Vet Check-ups: Regular visits to the vet can help identify any underlying health issues that might contribute to excessive shedding, such as allergies, hormonal imbalances, or skin conditions

Now that you know the importance of managing your bulldog’s shedding, it’s time to introduce some handy grooming tools!


Bulldogs typically have short coats that benefit from gentle brushing. A grooming mitt or a soft-bristled brush can help remove loose fur and distribute natural oils, promoting a healthy coat. Brush them at least twice a week to get rid of that dead hair

Shedding Tool

For those times when your bulldog seems to be losing alot of hair than usual, a fluffing tool like the Furminator will come in handy. This specialized grooming tool allows for more efficient hair removal.


Bulldogs generally don’t need frequent baths due to their short coats and minimal odor. Bathing them every few months or as needed, such as when they roll in the dirt or start to smell, is usually sufficient.

Now, studies show that washing your pup at least twice a week to decrease dog allergens such as Canis familiaris allergen 1 (Can f 1) present in dog’s hair. However, it’s vital that we never bathe a bulldog more than once every 4 to 6 weeks. This is because over-bathing can strip their skin of natural oils, potentially leading to dryness, infection, or irritation.

The only time you would wash your Bulldog more often is if they have a skin condition like scabies and your veterinarian needs you to apply a prescription shampoo regularly. But it your dog is fine, don’t bathe them more than you need to.

Lint Rollers

Using a lint roller can be a surprisingly effective way to manage your French Bulldog’s shedding. After giving your dog a good brushing – which removes most of the loose fur – a lint roller can be gently used to pick up any remaining hairs. This is particularly helpful for those fine hairs that the brush might not catch. 

Gently roll it over your dog’s coat, especially in areas where shedding is more pronounced. Not only does this help keep your dog’s coat even cleaner and reduce the amount of hair around your home, but it’s also a gentle process that most dogs find enjoyable or at least tolerable. 

Plus, it’s a great way to ensure your clothes stay fur-free after a cuddle session with your furry friend! Just remember to always be gentle and watch your dog’s reactions to make sure they are comfortable with this extra step in their grooming routine.


Investing in a pet-friendly vacuum is a good idea if you want to keep your home as hair-free as possible. Choose one with strong suction and special attachments designed to pick up dog hair.

Dog-specific Shampoo 

Bulldogs have sensitive skin, so use a mild, dog-specific shampoo for bathing to avoid irritation or dryness. Choose one with ingredients like oatmeal and aloe vera or speak to your groomer about a Bull-dog specific dog wash.

To wrap it up, managing your bulldog’s molting isn’t as daunting as it may seem. By incorporating regular brushing, skin and coat care, and the right grooming tools, you’ll be well-equipped to handle your bulldog’s hair and maintain a cleaner home. Happy grooming!

Health Factors That Affect Shedding

Old French Bulldog looking at camera isolated on yellow background

Bulldogs, like other dog breeds, can experience molting influenced by various health and environmental factors. Here are some health-related factors that can affect loss of hair in bulldogs:

1. Allergies

Bulldogs can be prone to allergies, which might lead to skin irritation and increased scratching, leading to increased hair loss. Allergic reactions to certain foods, airborne allergens, or flea bites can contribute to excessive shedding.

2. Hormonal Imbalances

Issues related to the thyroid gland or hormonal imbalances can impact a bulldog’s coat health, leading to increased shedding. These issues include Cushing’s Disease or hypothyroidism.

3. Dietary Factors

Since hair is mostly proteins, poor dog nutrition can notably impact shedding. This causes deficiencies in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins (especially B vitamins and vitamin E), and proteins crucial for coat health.

Inadequate nutrition can lead to dry, brittle hair, a dull coat, and increased shedding as the dog’s body struggles to maintain healthy skin and fur.

4. Skin Infections or Conditions

Bulldogs are known for their adorable wrinkles and cute faces, but these very features can also make them prone to skin conditions. As a caring bulldog owner, you should be aware of these issues.

Skin infections, such as bacterial or fungal infections, or other skin conditions like dermatitis or eczema, can cause discomfort and increased shedding in bulldogs.

5. Parasites

Your bulldog might be at risk of picking up parasites like fleas or mites coming from other dogs, your home, or even outdoor areas. These pesky little creatures can cause itching and irritation, leading to — you guessed it — more shedding!

6. Stress or Anxiety

Stress triggers the release of a stress hormone, which can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle in dogs. This disruption can lead to more hair follicles entering the fluffing (telogen) phase prematurely, causing increased shedding.

 As shown in this study, changes in the home environment, separation anxiety, or other stressful situations can contribute to fluffing and affect their overall well-being.

7. Genetic Factors

Some bulldogs may have genetic predispositions to certain coat conditions or shedding patterns. Breeding practices can also influence coat quality and molting tendencies in this breed.

8. Spaying

Spaying, the surgical removal of a female dog’s reproductive organs, can potentially impact fluffing patterns in some dogs. The influence of spaying on molting is often associated with hormonal changes.

After spaying, there’s a decrease in the production of sex hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal changes can sometimes lead to increased anagen, leading to alterations in a dog’s coat.

Some pet owners notice changes in coat texture, density, or shedding patterns following spaying.

However, the effects can vary widely among individual dogs. Some may experience increased shedding, while others might have minimal to no noticeable changes in their shedding patterns post-spaying. 

9. Shedding Frequency and Seasons

Understanding the frequency and seasonality of your bulldog’s molting can help you prepare for that hairy situation. 

During transitional periods, such as spring and fall, bulldogs might experience slightly increased hair loss as their coat adjusts to temperature changes.

This might involve the removal of the heavier winter coat to prepare for warmer weather, or vice versa, getting rid of the lighter summer coat to make way for a thicker winter coat.

Now, armed with this knowledge and some humor, you’re well on your way to better understanding health factors that may affect your bulldog’s shedding!

Canine Hair Growth Cycle

A dog’s hair growth cycle consists of several distinct phases. Understanding this cycle helps manage a dog’s grooming needs and anticipate changes in their coat throughout the year.

Anagen (Growth Phase)

This is the active phase of hair growth. Hair follicles actively produce hair during this stage, which can last for several months to years, depending on the breed and body location. The length of this phase determines the maximum potential length of the hair.

Catagen (Transitional Phase)

 This is a short transitional phase where the hair follicle starts to renew itself. Hair growth stops, and the follicle begins to shrink. This phase lasts for a few weeks.

Telogen (Resting Phase)

Hair follicles are in a resting state during this phase. No new growth occurs, and the old hair is retained. This phase lasts for a few months. At the end of the telogen phase, the old hair is shed to make way for new hair growth.

Exogen (Shedding Phase)

During the exogen phase, the old hair shafts are released from the follicles, allowing new hair growth. This shedding phase can vary in duration and intensity depending on the breed. 

Beyond the Shed: Bulldog Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial for Bulldogs due to their specific needs, especially with their skin folds and facial structure. Here are some essential aspects to consider for Bulldog hygiene:

• Facial Folds Cleaning:

Bulldogs have adorable but prone-to-moisture facial folds. Regularly clean these folds with a damp cloth or unscented baby wipes to prevent bacterial or fungal growth that can cause irritation or infection. Make sure to dry the folds thoroughly after cleaning to prevent moisture buildup.

Cleaning their facial folds with a damp cloth prevents skin issues, such as skin fold dermatitis or Pyoderma, which is more common in brachycephalic breeds than the other breeds, as shown in this study.

• Ear Care: 

Check and clean their ears regularly to prevent wax buildup and infections. Use a vet-approved ear cleaning solution and cotton balls to gently wipe the outer ear, avoiding deep insertion into the ear canal.

• Skin Care: 

Bulldogs are prone to skin issues due to their sensitive skin and wrinkles. Keep their skin dry and clean, paying attention to any redness, irritation, or signs of infection. Use dog-specific shampoos suited for sensitive skin to bathe them and ensure thorough drying, especially in skin folds.

• Dental Hygiene: 

Dental issues are one of the most common health problems facing dogs, with an 80% prevalence. Brachycephalic dogs such as bulldogs commonly face dental problems due to their skull and crowded teeth. 

Brush their teeth regularly using dog-specific toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent tartar buildup and dental issues.

• Nail and Paw Care: 

Regularly trim their nails to prevent overgrowth and discomfort. Check their paw pads for any cuts, foreign objects, or signs of irritation. As a rule of thumb, trim their nails every time you hear a clicking sound when they walk in the house.

Trimming nails, checking ears for cleanliness, brushing teeth, and gently wiping their eyes to eliminate any debris contribute to overall grooming.

• Anal Gland Expression:

 Bulldogs can experience anal gland issues. Regular vet check-ups can include expressing their anal glands if necessary. If you notice scooting or excessive licking of the area, it might indicate an issue that requires attention.

• Eye Care: 

Bulldogs are sensitive to Brachycephalic ocular syndrome due to their protruding nature. Keep their eyes clean by gently wiping away any discharge with a clean, damp cloth. Consult a vet if you notice excessive tearing, redness, or any concerning eye issues.

• Regular Vet Visits: 

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for monitoring their overall health, addressing any hygiene concerns, and identifying potential health issues early on.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I reduce my English Bulldog’s shedding at home?

Reducing your Bulldog’s hair loss at home is easier than you think! Regular brushing is the key. Aim for a daily brushing session using a soft-bristle brush or a grooming glove. This will help remove loose hair and spread natural oils through the coat, keeping it healthy. Also, maintain a balanced diet for your Bulldog to support healthy skin and coat.

Is it true that some Bulldogs shed more than others?

Yes, it’s true! Bulldogs are not the most intense shedders, but some do shed more than others. Factors such as genetics, diet, and overall health might affect shedding in Bulldogs. Just like humans, each Bulldog is unique, so don’t be alarmed if yours sheds more or less than the ones next door.

Do you have any tricks to keep Bulldog fur off my couch?

Sure! First, cover your couch with a washable blanket or a pet-friendly slipcover. Vacuum regularly to suck up those pesky hairs before they get a chance to settle. Using a lint roller or a rubber glove can also help pick up any stubborn fur that clings to your couch. Pro tip: Damp hands can be a fur magnet, too!

Are Bulldogs hypoallergenic?

Sadly, no. English Bulldogs are not hypoallergenic breeds. Their short coats do produce dander, which can trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. However, regular grooming and brushing can minimize the amount of dander and reduce allergens in your home.

I’ve got allergies; are any Bulldog breeds less sneezy?

Unfortunately, no specific Bulldog breed is less allergenic than the others. However, individual dogs might produce fewer allergens. It’s essential to spend time around Bulldogs before getting one to see if your allergies can handle it. Alternatively, consider looking into hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Will my Bulldog be dropping fur bombs all year round or just sometimes?

Bulldogs shed consistently throughout the year but may shed more during seasonal changes. Expect a change in molting during spring and fall as they get ready for warmer or cooler weather. But hey, at least you get a reason to brush up on your vacuuming skills, right?

Final Thoughts

Bulldogs, like most dogs, do shed to some extent, but it may not be as bad as you think. According to a mixed-methods investigation on Bulldogs and French Bulldogs, high levels of coat shedding were considered undesirable and often unexpected by owners.

They have a short, smooth coat that is generally easy to maintain; 

  1. Regular brushing: A weekly brushing session will help remove any loose hair and keep your pooch happy.
  2. Bathing: Giving your bulldog the occasional bath will help reduce shedding and keep their skin healthy.
  3. Healthy diet: A top-notch, balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy coat and minimizing shedding.

And there you have it! Just remember, a bit of hair here, and there is a small trade-off for the love and companionship your bulldog brings to your life. So grab that brush, share some laughs, and keep enjoying the wonderful journey that is bulldog ownership.


Tamsin de la Harpe

Tamsin de la Harpe, with a lively spirit and 15 years of experience in dog training and behavior, brings a unique flair to the team. Based in South Africa, she is deeply engaged in rehabilitating dogs, focusing on their mental and nutritional health. Tamsin's approach to dog behavior is hands-on and heartfelt, shaped by her life with her own dogs and horses. Her journey in canine behavior is ongoing, as she continues advanced studies in this field.

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