Mammoth Bulldog Breed: Unraveling the Mystique of the Long-Haired Bulldog

Mammoth Bulldog close up tongue out long hair Bulldog

The Mammoth Bulldog, also known as the Mammut, is a distinct, long-haired Bulldog breed cherished for its unique appearance and gentle temperament. While not as mainstream as their short-haired brethren, these Bulldogs command attention with their shaggy coats and sturdy build. Initially bred to mirror the now-extinct Old English Bulldog, the Mammoth Bulldog brings a unique twist to the Bulldog family. Their longer hair isn’t just for show; it’s a hark back to a different era of canine companionship.

This rare breed boasts the endearing personality traits of loyalty and affection that Bulldog lovers have come to adore, but with a larger frame and more robust health than many Bulldog varieties. Caring for a Mammoth Bulldog requires an understanding of their exercise needs, nutritional requirements, and grooming rituals to keep their longer coats clean and tangle-free. 

With a history steeped in purpose and a presence that’s hard to ignore, the Mammoth Bulldog represents a unique designer dog breed, cutting a striking figure that is both nostalgic and heartwarming. But make sure to do your research thoroughly before searching for a Mammut Bulldog puppy.

So, What Is A Mammoth Bulldog? Breed Overview

The Mammoth Bulldog, or Mammut, is a medium-sized, muscular dog, distinguished by their “grizzly” fluffy coat, due to the rare “L” gene. It’s a mix of American Bulldog, Bandogge, English Bulldog, Olde English Bulldogge, and Bullmastiff, characterized by a long coat and a strong, agile build, free from breathing issues.

The Mammoth Bulldog, often referred to as the Mammut, is a unique long-haired Bulldog breed. It exhibits a remarkable blend of strength and gentleness, encapsulated in a distinctive coat that sets it apart from other Bulldogs.

Key Characteristics

  • Coat: The most notable feature is its long, luxurious coat.
  • Temperament: Known for its calm demeanor, the Mammoth Bulldog is both powerful and docile.
  • Fitness: They require regular exercise to maintain their health, though not exceedingly vigorous.

Physical Features

  • Size: These Bulldogs are typically robust and muscular.
  • Face: Like their shorter-haired cousins, they often have the classic Bulldog’s squished face.

Care and Maintenance

While the Mammoth Bulldog carries an impressive appearance, it also demands specific grooming due to its longer hair. Regular brushing is essential to prevent matting and maintain coat health. Beyond their fur, they need the usual upkeep like any canine friend: balanced nutrition, vaccinations, and check-ups.

Living with a Mammoth Bulldog

If you’re considering bringing a Mammoth Bulldog into your home, prepare for a loving, albeit sizable, new family member. They do well with children, making them fantastic companions for family environments.

Owning a Mammoth Bulldog means embracing both their physical needs and their sociable nature. They thrive with attention and activity but will repay your care with unwavering loyalty and affection. Remember, it’s your responsibility to ensure your furry friend stays healthy, happy, and well-groomed.

Key Takeaways

  • The Mammoth Bulldog, or Mammut, is a long-haired Bulldog with a unique appearance.
  • Known for their loyalty, they have a friendly temperament suitable for families.
  • Their care involves specific exercise, diet, and grooming due to their distinct physical traits.

Mammut Bulldog History & Origins

Chocolate tricolor Mammut Bulldog young

What breeds make a Mammoth Bulldog?

Ancestral Breeds

Your Mammoth Bulldog, affectionately known as the Mammut, boasts a rich lineage combining several robust breeds. This medium-sized canine is the result of intertwining the American Bulldog, English Bulldog, Olde English Bulldogge, Bandogge, and Bullmastiff. Crafted to echo the old-style working bulldogs of the 1800’s, they exhibit a distinct, longer-haired coat compared to their ancestors.

Historical Significance

Rooted deeply in history, the Mammoth Bulldog harks back to a time when bulldogs were valued for their physical prowess. These dogs served as steadfast helpers, capable of performing a variety of tasks on farms and in protective roles. The development of the breed aimed to reignite the vigor and utility of their 19th-century predecessors, ensuring they remained devoid of the respiratory issues that plagued some bulldog breeds.

The Breed Today

Today, Mammoth Bulldogs are recognized for their muscular build and agility, reflecting an excellent balance of strength without sacrificing health. They continue to thrive as both companions and helpers, strong yet free from the breathing constraints found in other bulldog variants.

Kennel Club Recognition

While the Mammoth Bulldog is a remarkable example of canine development, recognition by established organizations like the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club may still be forthcoming. These clubs often have specific standards and lineage requirements. However, their German Bloodline and other traits are garnering attention, leading to a growing interest from breed enthusiasts and canine associations.

Lovers of the breed have taken to details of its unique characteristics and the traits that make up this intriguing mix. With a nod to their heritage, enthusiasts of the American Bulldog emphasize the breed’s historical significance and their role in the Mammoth Bulldog’s inception. Furthermore, the Olde English Bulldogge’s influence on the Mammoth Bulldog highlights the importance of strong build and loyal temperament for potential owners. As the Mammoth Bulldog continues to make its mark, its compelling history and origins remain a testament to the enduring legacy of its ancestral breeds.

Physical Characteristics

Red and tan tricolor Mammoth Bulldog puppy

In this section, you’ll get the specifics on how the Mammoth Bulldog looks, from its impressive size to the genetics behind its fluffy coat.

Size and Build

The Mammoth Bulldog — a variety of Olde English and French Bulldogs — is known for its commanding presence. Your Mammoth Bulldog will likely have a muscular and hefty build, often displaying a broad chest and well-developed muscles.

Height and Weight:

Height (inches)Weight (lbs)Height (cm)Weight (kg)


Your dog’s appearance is characterized by a robust frame complemented by pronounced cheekbones and a broad skull. The ears are typically small and set high on the head, while the muzzle is short, giving their face a distinctive, pushed-in appearance. The eyes are wide-set, alert, and usually darker in color, adding to the breed’s expressive look.

Coat and Coloring

The coat of the Mammoth Bulldog is a standout feature with its long, luxurious hair. The genetics of their coat, specifically involving the FGF5 gene, largely contribute to hair length. As for coloring, these dogs can come in various shades, often displaying a mix of two or more colors, such as brindle, fawn, or pied. Rare coat colors in the breed can include variations of blue, chocolate, and lilac.

Mammoth Bulldog Fluffy Coat Genetics

The fluffy coat of your dog is due to the unusual expression of the L-gene. Responsible for the breed’s characteristic ‘fluffy’ appearance, this gene results in a longer, softer outer coat with feathering around the ears, neck, and thighs. 

To ascertain whether your Mammoth Bulldog carries this gene, genetic testing can provide insight into which variant of the L-locus your dog possesses. Breeders, like those at Anarchy Bulldogs, may specifically breed for this trait to ensure the unique, long-haired look of the Mammoth Bulldog. But always do due diligence before getting a puppy from any breeder.

Temperament and Personality

In understanding the Mammoth Bulldog, you’ll notice they’re as amiable as they are steadfast. These dogs bring a spirited yet protective vibe to a household, fitting in with children and those with an active lifestyle.

General Disposition

Your Mammoth Bulldog is the epitome of easygoing. They’re approachable, friendly to newcomers, and exhibit a loyal streak that makes them cherished family pets. Expect a dog with a confident and bold approach to life, eagerly participating in family activities with an intelligent and sometimes stubborn disposition.

Interaction with Children and Other Pets

With an inherently friendly nature, Mammoth Bulldogs make excellent companions for children and adapt well to lively homes. They’re sturdy enough to handle the rough and tumble of kid’s play, due in part to their high pain tolerance. When it comes to other pets, their moderate to high prey drive may require early socialization to foster harmonious relationships.

Common Behavioral Traits

Your Bulldog’s behavior can show a spectrum from fearless protector to the most easygoing partner in crime. Their protective instincts mean they won’t hesitate to stand their ground if they sense a threat. Despite a potential stubborn streak, consistency in training can turn them into well-behaved members of the family. Expect a dog that is adaptable but with a hint of independence, perfect for active families seeking a social, yet protective furry member.

Health and Lifespan

Because the Mammoth Bulldog is a developing breed, we don’t know exactly what kind of health issues it may have. We know it should not have the breathing issues common in the English Bulldog. However, we can use the parent breeds in this dog to figure out what kind of health issues may exist in this dog.

Average Lifespan

Did you know that the Mammoth Bulldog typically enjoys a life expectancy of about 9 to 11 years? That may seem short, but with good care, these years can be filled with quality and joy.

Common Health Issues

Like many purebreds, the Mammoth Bulldog may face certain health challenges. Some of the issues you might encounter include:

  • Hip dysplasia: This is a common condition in larger breeds that affects the hip joint.
  • Cancer: Sadly, cancer is a significant cause of death in dogs, Bulldogs included.
  • Skin issues: Their beautiful long hair can sometimes hide skin conditions that require attention.
  • Ear infections: Keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort around their ears, which can signify infection.
  • Dental issues: Regular dental check-ups are key to prevent problems before they become severe.
  • Heart problems: Ensure your Bulldog gets enough exercise and maintains a healthy weight to support heart health.

It might seem overwhelming, but information is your ally. Understanding breed predispositions can help you anticipate and manage potential health problems.

Preventative Care Tips

To give your Mammoth Bulldog their best shot at a long, happy life, follow these tips:

  • Routine Check-Ups: Regular vet visits can catch health issues early.
  • Balanced Diet: Provide a nutritious diet tailored to their specific needs.
  • Exercise: Keep them active, but be mindful of not overdoing it due to their size.
  • Dental Care: Brush their teeth regularly; your vet can show you the ropes.
  • Ear Care: Clean their ears gently to prevent infections.
  • Skin Care: Check under their fur during grooming for any signs of skin problems.

With proper care and affection, your Mammoth Bulldog can be by your side, happy and healthy, for many years. Just remember, you’re not alone in this — support from professionals can really make a difference. If you’re ever unsure about your dog’s health, reaching out to a vet is a great next step. For more detailed information on breed predispositions and how they could affect your pal, consult with veterinary literature.

Exercise and Housing Needs

Now, how do you care for your Mammut?

Daily Exercise Requirements

The Mammut Bulldog breed isn’t one for running marathons, but you’ll still need to keep them active. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. This could be a stroll around the block or playtime in the yard. Remember, moderate is key – you don’t want to overdo it with these muscular pups.

Space Requirements

Your Mammut Bulldog doesn’t need a palace, but they definitely crave some room to stretch their legs. If you’ve got a yard, that’s perfect for them to romp around. No yard? Make sure you’re hitting those daily walks and give your dog space inside to move and play. They’re not built for tight, confined spaces.

Suitable Living Conditions

These bulldogs love being part of the family and do well in homes where they can be close to their humans. They can handle cooler temperatures thanks to their longer coat, but don’t forget that all dogs need shelter. Indoors, they’ll need a comfy spot to snooze and just hang out. Keep it cozy, with access to freshwater, and your Mammut Bulldog will be feeling right at home.

Training and Socialization

As a powerful breed, we must also never forget that this breed needs regular training and socialization.


The Mammoth Bulldog is quite a clever pup, and you can usually train them without too much trouble. But, remember, they sometimes have a stubborn streak. Patience and consistency are key. Short, fun training sessions work best — think 15 minutes tops, or you risk losing their attention.

  • Start training early when they’re puppies.
  • Use positive reinforcement like treats and praise.
  • Be firm and consistent with commands.

Socialization Needs

Your Mammoth Bulldog needs to meet lots of different people, dogs, and other animals early on. Socialization stops them from being shy or nervous in new situations. It’s a big world out there, and you want your pooch to feel confident!

  • Introduce your dog to new faces regularly.
  • Let them explore new environments.
  • Keep experiences positive to build their confidence.

Tip: Dog parks and puppy classes are great for this!

Behavioral Training Tips

Sometimes your furry friend might try to push boundaries. It’s best to nip any naughty behavior in the bud.

  • Always reward good behavior with treats, toys, or love.
  • Ignore attention-seeking antics; only respond when they’re being polite.
  • Set clear rules and stay consistent so your bulldog knows what’s expected.

Remember: You’re the leader, and with a friendly voice and gentle guidance, your Mammoth Bulldog will not only learn the ropes but excel in their training and social interactions.

Diet and Nutrition

What is the best dog food for a Mammoth Bulldog?

Dietary Needs

Your Mammoth Bulldog, much like other canines, thrives on a balanced diet that includes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Given the breed’s size, they require a proportionate amount of high-quality protein to maintain muscle mass. You should also ensure they get enough omega fatty acids, which are vital for their long, luxurious coat and overall skin health.

Feeding Schedule

It’s essential to maintain a regular feeding schedule. Adult Mammoth Bulldogs typically do well with two meals per day. Puppies, however, may need more frequent feedings — around three to four times daily — to support their rapid growth and development.

Special Dietary Considerations

Be cautious with treats; they should only make up a small portion of your dog’s diet. Additionally, pay close attention to their weight, as the breed can be prone to obesity. Ensure fresh water is always available, as proper hydration is critical for their overall health. In some cases, your vet might suggest supplements to address specific dietary needs. Always consult your vet if you’re considering dietary changes or if you notice any food sensitivities.

Grooming Needs

Grooming Frequency

The Mammoth Bulldog, with its long, luxuriant coat, needs regular grooming to stay tidy and healthy. A couple of times a week should do the trick. During shedding seasons — spring and fall — you’ll want to groom even more frequently to control excess hair.

Grooming Tools

Stock up on the right tools:

  • Brush: A high-quality pin brush will effectively detangle the hair and remove dirt.
  • Comb: Fine-toothed combs are great for getting rid of smaller tangles and matts.
  • Shampoo: Choose a gentle, dog-friendly shampoo for bath time.

Grooming Tips

Here’s how to make grooming a breeze:

  1. Be gentle: Your Mammoth Bulldog’s skin can be sensitive.
  2. Routine baths: Every few weeks, give your pup a bath to keep their coat clean.
  3. Check for matting: Pay extra attention to the areas behind the ears and under the legs where mats commonly form.
  4. Dry thoroughly: Use a towel or a low-heat hairdryer to get your dog dry after a bath. This prevents any dampness-related skin issues.

Keep it up, and your Mammoth Bulldog will not only look good but feel great too!

Cost of Ownership

So, how much does a Mammut Bulldog puppy cost?

Initial Cost (Mammoth Bulldog Puppy Price)

When you’re looking into getting a Mammoth Bulldog, also known as the Mammut, one of the first things you’ll consider is the price of a puppy. Generally, these furry friends aren’t cheap. The cost can vary tremendously, usually starting around $1,500 and climbing to over $3,000, depending on factors like lineage and breeder reputation.

Ongoing Costs

Once you’ve brought your Mammoth Bulldog puppy home, you’ll need to think about the long-term expenses. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Food: Expect to spend about $50 to $80 per month on high-quality dog food tailored to large breeds.
  • Healthcare: Routine veterinary care, such as check-ups, vaccines, and flea prevention, will run you roughly $200 to $300 annually. Keep in mind, unexpected health issues can add to this.
  • Grooming: These dogs have long hair that requires regular grooming. Professional grooming costs can be around $60 to $120 per visit, depending on your area.
  • Insurance: Pet insurance is a wise choice, considering the size and potential health problems of the breed. Monthly premiums can be anywhere from $30 to $50.
  • Miscellaneous: Toys, beds, leashes, and other supplies will add to your annual cost, which can be approximately $100 to $200.

Remember, owning a pet is a long-term commitment financially, so make sure you’re ready for the responsibility before you fall in love with one of these lovable pups.

Adoption and Buying Tips

When you’re looking to bring a Mammoth Bulldog into your home, it’s crucial to connect with a reputable breeder. These dogs are known for their longer-haired coats, and while some breeders might focus solely on this trait, ensure they are equally dedicated to the pups’ overall well-being.

Finding a Responsible Breeder

  • Ask for Health Screenings: Always request proof of health tests for common conditions like hip dysplasia and eye problems.
  • Consider Temperament: Make sure the breeder prioritizes a calm and friendly temperament in their dogs.

Recognizing a Purebred Mammut

  • Pure White Dogs: If you are seeking a purebred, be aware that the Mammut may come in various colors, and a pure white coat doesn’t always mean purebred. Pure white dogs may also come with additional health issues like deafness.
  • Coat Care: Their luxurious coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting and maintain skin health.

Thinking Long-Term

  • Life Expectancy: Be prepared for a long-term commitment, as Bulldogs can live for many years.
  • Watch for Depression: Bulldogs are social creatures and may experience depression if left alone for too long.
  • Health Management: Stay vigilant for signs of health issues and have a plan for routine vet check-ups.

Remember, you’re not just buying a pet; you’re adding a new member to your family. Make sure to do your homework and choose a breeder who understands the importance of health and happiness in their dogs.

Breed-Specific Considerations

Now what else do you need to consider before getting one of these extremely rare Bulldogs?

Climate Suitability

Your Mammoth Bulldog, also known as the Mammut, has a unique coat that makes it suitable for cooler climates. With its long, dense fur, similar to the Old Style Working Bulldog, this breed can handle lower temperatures better than the short-haired bulldog variants. However, it’s important to monitor them during the warmer months since their thick coat can make them prone to overheating.

Compatibility with Lifestyle

These friendly giants are well-adapted to life as Working Bulldogs, but they also make excellent family pets. You should consider your daily routine when thinking about adopting a Mammoth Bulldog. If you enjoy an active lifestyle, you and your Mammut will have a great time playing and exercising together. On the flip side, because they are Bulldogs, they can be just as content with some good relaxation time.

Special Needs

The stunning long-haired coat of your Mammoth Bulldog requires regular grooming to keep it in top condition. Ensure you have the time to brush your furry friend at least a few times a week to prevent tangles and matting. Pay particular attention to their rear, where mats can commonly form.

Breed-Specific Legislation

Some areas have breed-specific legislation which may affect various Types of Bulldogs. Occasionally, insurance companies have restrictions on certain breeds, too. It’s vital to check your local regulations to ensure that there won’t be any legal issues with owning your particular breed of Bulldog.

Remember, due to their Physical Characteristics, Mammoth Bulldogs can be strong and sturdy but may also have some of the health challenges common to Bulldogs. It’s important to have regular check-ups with your vet to keep your “Woolly Mammoth” in good health.

50 Best Names for A Mammoth or Mammut Bulldog

When you bring a Mammoth Bulldog into your home, picking a name is one of the fun parts! Here’s a list to help you choose the best fit for your shaggy companion.

Bold and Strong:

  1. Titan
  2. Thor
  3. Brutus
  4. Hercules
  5. Goliath

Gentle Giants:

  1. Bear
  2. Buddy
  3. Duke
  4. Samson
  5. Woolly

Feminine Flair:

  1. Bella
  2. Daisy
  3. Luna
  4. Willow
  5. Sadie

Inspired by Their Ancestors:

  1. Mammoth
  2. Mastodon
  3. Fossil
  4. Tundra
  5. Siberia

Cute and Cuddly:

  1. Fluffy
  2. Teddy
  3. Puffy
  4. Snuggles
  5. Biscuit

Names with a Twist:

  1. Barkley
  2. Munchkin
  3. Noodle
  4. Gizmo
  5. Waffles

Regal Names:

  1. King
  2. Queenie
  3. Baron
  4. Lady
  5. Prince

Fun and Playful:

  1. Ziggy
  2. Marbles
  3. Bingo
  4. Fizz
  5. Tizzy

Cool and Unique:

  1. Maverick
  2. Phoenix
  3. Zephyr
  4. Neo
  5. Koda

Names That Suit Their Size:

  1. Tank
  2. Sumo
  3. Moose
  4. Hulk
  5. Avalanche

Choose a name that reflects your dog’s personality and your style. Whether you go for something strong and substantial, or soft and sweet, any of these names could be a great match for your new furry friend. Remember, they’ll be hearing this name a lot, so pick one that you love to say!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When considering adding a Mammut Bulldog to your family, you might have several questions about costs, temperament, uniqueness among bulldogs, grooming, finding breeders, and health matters.

What should I expect to pay for a Mammut Bulldog puppy?

The price of a Mammut Bulldog puppy can vary widely, but expect to pay a premium due to their rarity and unique characteristics.

What characteristics define the temperament of a Mammut Bulldog?

A Mammut Bulldog typically has a gentle and friendly demeanor, showing loyalty and affection to its family while being relatively laid-back.

How does the Mammut Bulldog differ from other bulldog breeds?

The Mammut Bulldog stands out with its long coat and more substantial body size, setting it apart from its shorter-haired bulldog relatives.

Can you tell me about the care requirements for a long-haired Mammut Bulldog?

Their long hair requires regular grooming to prevent matting, and they benefit from routine exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

How can I find reputable Mammut Bulldog breeders?

Research online, visit dog shows, or check with breed clubs to connect with breeders who prioritize health and temperament in their breeding programs.

Are there any health concerns specific to the Mammut Bulldog breed?

Like all bulldogs, they can have health issues like hip dysplasia, and their long coats may make them prone to skin infections without proper care.

Final Thoughts

When you hear about the Mammoth Bulldog, also known as the Mammut, it’s easy to picture a robust and fluffy companion. This long-haired breed has a lineage that might be reminiscent of powerful, ancient creatures like the wooly mammoth. But remember, it’s not just about their impressive looks.

What you’ll truly appreciate is their friendly nature. Mammoth Bulldogs are known for being gentle and sociable, making them a fine choice if you are seeking a dog who’s as affable as they are unique in appearance.

Here’s what you should keep in mind about this breed:

  • Family Life: Great with families, especially those with children.
  • Grooming: They’ll need regular brushing to keep that long coat shiny and healthy.
  • Exercise: Moderate exercise is sufficient to keep them happy and in good shape.

Before you decide, make sure you have the time for their care. Are you ready for brushing those long locks, perhaps even daily? Remember, they might be okay with a short walk, but they’ll still need your attention and playtime.

Lastly, think about your climate. Their thick coats mean they’ll do best in cooler temperatures, so if you live somewhere warm, extra care should be taken to keep your Mammoth Bulldog cool.

By choosing a Mammoth Bulldog, you’re not just getting a pet; you’re gaining a loyal friend. Just be sure to meet their needs, and you’ll have a wonderful companion by your side.

Tamsin de la Harpe

Tamsin de la Harpe, with a lively spirit and 15 years of experience in dog training and behavior, brings a unique flair to the team. Based in South Africa, she is deeply engaged in rehabilitating dogs, focusing on their mental and nutritional health. Tamsin's approach to dog behavior is hands-on and heartfelt, shaped by her life with her own dogs and horses. Her journey in canine behavior is ongoing, as she continues advanced studies in this field.

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